So I just got my schedule for this upcoming school year and I have a major problem. My school starts at 7:00 am and my lunch period isn't until 11:00 am. All the teachers in my school are jerks and don't let us leave the class to go to the bathroom. I am terrified that I will leak through my pants since I am going 4 hours without changing it. I will be putting on a fresh pad probably 6:40ish when I first get to school. I'm kinda confused though because last year I changed it at 9:30 ish and then when I got home around 2:00ish and I never leaked, but today I was wearing a pad for two hours and I leaked through my shorts. Would wearing two pads help at all? Since the blood would have to leak through two pads to get to my pants. Also tampons are out of the question. Please help me!
Also another quick question: I am due for my period the first week of school but I want to wear this cute new skirt for the first day. If I wear spandex under my skirt will that prevent leaking? Since it's like an extra layer.
Thank you soo much! I really appreciate it!