I have had herpes for some time now i've researched and studied but Havent gon to the gynecologist.I am now 17 but my mother doesnt know that i've been having sex for 3 years now i got the std from my first.I thought i had it all under control because i really showed no symptoms but then i started to. I'm really afraid because lately i've been having fever, body aches and abnormal discharge.This has just started and I dont know what to do. I'd hate to break my mothers heart. Is there any way i can go to the gyno without my mother finding out.If so wat will I need to take there.I've also been experiencing spotting of blood this is the time i'm supposed to have my period but it did not come like it usually does.I need help I dunno wat to do I'm always depressed sad and stressed i need help!i need to talk to someone!idunno wat to do should i wait until i'm 18 or take care of this now.i'll be 18 in ten months!HELP!