I'm 17 have herpes and have not been to the gyno yet!I'm experiencing problems i need help!?
2006-12-04 18:14:51 UTC
I have had herpes for some time now i've researched and studied but Havent gon to the gynecologist.I am now 17 but my mother doesnt know that i've been having sex for 3 years now i got the std from my first.I thought i had it all under control because i really showed no symptoms but then i started to. I'm really afraid because lately i've been having fever, body aches and abnormal discharge.This has just started and I dont know what to do. I'd hate to break my mothers heart. Is there any way i can go to the gyno without my mother finding out.If so wat will I need to take there.I've also been experiencing spotting of blood this is the time i'm supposed to have my period but it did not come like it usually does.I need help I dunno wat to do I'm always depressed sad and stressed i need help!i need to talk to someone!idunno wat to do should i wait until i'm 18 or take care of this now.i'll be 18 in ten months!HELP!
28 answers:
2006-12-05 17:16:25 UTC
I strongly urge you to call Planned Parenthood ASAP, to find out what's going on with your body. They do have great counselors there, who specifically work with teens. It would be difficult to diagnose your symptoms without seeing a doc for testing.
2015-09-24 09:48:36 UTC
I got identified with herpes virus (type 2) about 3 yrs ago, when I was still attending college and had a dumb one-night stand. I understand lots of young women say this, but I swear I had never done that sort of thing before. I just made a mistake that one time and all of a sudden it seemed like I was going to have to live with the implications for my entire life. The worst part was feeling I could never date men again. In the end, who wants to go out with someone who has sores around her "you know what" area? But since a friend shared this movie everything improved.

Not only was I able to eliminate all traces of the herpes virus from my body in less than three weeks, but I was also able to start dating again. I even met the man of my dreams and I'm so lucky to write that just a week ago, in front of everybody in a busy restaurant, he got down on one knee and proposed to me!!! This method provided me the chance to be happy and experience true love again. Now I hope that I can help others by sharing this story.
2006-12-04 18:41:18 UTC
If you have never been dx with this how do you know you have it?

Anyone women who is having sex should be seen by a OB-GYN once a year. If you have do have herpes, there are tx to help minimize the symptoms and outbreaks. You should be eating healthy fruits and vegetables to boost your immune system. Studies have shown that if you have a weakend immune system the break out become more severe and frequent.

If you are to assamed to talk to your mother about this, go to planned parenthood and get the proper testing, dx and tx.

Do not have sex with anyone during a breakout. Even if protection is being used. A condom does not prevent the spread of herpes . Also, it is possible to introduce the virus in a different strain to different parts of the body. Face, mouth and eyes.

Swallow your pride and get the proper treatment you need. Please get you mental and physical health in check.
2006-12-04 18:31:09 UTC
First of all, don't get too stressed out. STDs are a lot more common than most people think and most can be coped with easily. Don't beat yourself up. And you don't need to tell your mother you are sexually active to get help for this if you don't want to.

If you haven't been to a doctor, you don't know if you even have herpes. It needs to be diagnosed by a physician for you to be sure. Planned Parenthood is definitely the best place to go. They can usually do a full gynecological exam, and if they can't do it there they can refer you to a great doctor. They operate on a sliding fee scale, so don't worry about paying for everything just yet. They won't charge you more than you can afford. PP can also help you get counseling, which would probably be very helpful for a 17 year old going through this all by yourself. You may decide, after talking to someone neutral, that you want to tell your mom after all. Mothers are here to help us get through tough times, and though she may be disappointed in your actions, she would probably be much more hurt by not having the chance to help and protect her baby girl when she needs it.

Call 1-800-230-PLAN to find a Planned Parenthood near you, and for more information.

I wish you the best.
2006-12-04 18:20:32 UTC
Can you not go to the women`s clinic? You do not have to be of age to go there or to a ob/gyn. You should not be having sex with anyone without protection as even when you are not having signs of Herpes, you can still be contagious to your partners. I got Herpes from my ex-husband, and it can be controlled with the right medication. Stress can bring the symptoms it. The fever, body aches and abnormal discharge are symtoms. This may not be the only STD you have. You also have increased your chances of contacting others, even HIV/AIDs.
richard b
2006-12-04 18:29:41 UTC
Girl as a medical trained professional I am telling you to go to a doctor now. You might have already waited to long now. Something like that needed trearment long ago. You have put yourself and others at great risk. You could have side effects for the rest of your life. You say your afraid of breaking your moms heart, how will you feel about her attending your funeral? I`am serious about this, it is nothing to wait around on. All this time it has had time to invade the rest of your system and infect it. So my comment to you is forget your pride and get to a doctor now not in 10 months.
2006-12-04 18:23:01 UTC
Try going to a Planned Parenthood. They can give you an exam and find out what is going on. They will also work with you on payment(if any). I'm sure that by going untreated, you are putting yourself at a greater risk of any complications caused by your illness.

You should also talk to your mom and clue her in. Your health is more important than her being mad at you for a couple of days. She's your mom, she'll still love you and she WILL get over it. But if there is a health issue, she needs to know!
2006-12-04 18:41:02 UTC
I can understand why you wouldn't want to tell your mother. I probably wouldn't tell mine either. The most important thing is that you get help. You can go to your local Health Department to the sexual health clinic and pay like 20$ and get it checked out. After you turn 18 you should really find a gyno that you see regularly if you don't want your mom to know.
curious for knowledge
2006-12-04 18:20:28 UTC
You might be surprised at your mom. Talk to her. She will be your key in getting better. If you really aren't comfortable with that, go to a clinic, hospital, doctor - someone. Sounds like you have alot more going on that a case of herpes. Seek help right away -- talk to your mom! NO matter what - your mom is your mom. She will love you no matter what. Your mom would be more upset (I'm sure) if you didn't go to her when you are in trouble. Mom's are wonderful people - they are more understanding that you think
2006-12-04 18:19:32 UTC
You might be pregnant..... you should go to doc's ASAP. You arent doing anyone any favors by not going to the doctors about the herpes, this could really hurt you in the long run. You are infecting everyone you are with if you are not carefull.

Try planned parent hood, I am not sure if there are minor laws where you are, but either way go go go ASAP.
2006-12-04 18:18:37 UTC
Honey, if you havent been to they gyno, no matter how sure you are, you DO NOT KNOW if you have herpes or something worse?

Go to the doctor...tell your mom you have been having headaches and you want to see the doctor. Tell you doctor (they dont HAVE to be a gyno, general practice doctors work too) the real problem and take it from there...they might suggest ways to tell your mom, or they might help you tell your mom.

Trust me, go to the doctor.
2006-12-04 18:19:20 UTC
You can go to the gynocologist at any age. Your doctor has to keep any information they get private...even from your mom. You need to go to the gynocologist and get tested for other STD's and STI's. It could mean life or death for you....herpes doesn't ever go away but you can get on meds to keep the symptoms at bay, but even with no symptoms you can still be contagious. Please be safe and use condoms during sex...or don't have sex at all.

You can go to planned parenthood and they can help you for cheap if you don't want to tell your mom you are going to the gyno. Just GO!
Carmen G
2006-12-04 18:38:39 UTC
You really need to go see a doctor, or look up Planned Parenthood. Also, I wouldn't keep having sex until you hear from them, it would be completely unfair to any other partners. If it is herpes, you don't always have to be showing symptoms, it does not go away. Please go get some help, it isn't worth putting your health at risk.
2006-12-04 18:24:27 UTC
Here's a link to the National Herpes' Support Group:

Call them. NOW!
2006-12-04 18:20:24 UTC
Jesus need to high tail it to the doctor. If you have herpes you might also have HPV and that causes cervical cencer. You can go to the county health department...just tell them that you are 18. The gyno is not that bad...they will give you some meds to clear it up. But please promise me child that you will go to the doctor. That is very scary. You don't want to die in 6 months from cancer do you?????????
2006-12-04 18:16:52 UTC
Go to the doctor right now. Waiting will make things worse, and without medication you could really hurt your body. If your mother is a good parent she'll be supportive and take you herself.
2015-04-29 22:03:53 UTC
Hi I know this is from a very long time ago but I was curious as to what happened ? I am currently 17 and the exact same scenario is happening to me.
2006-12-04 18:18:57 UTC
hate to break it to ya but spotting during ur period could mean ur pregnant. and if that is the case breaking it to ur mom is gonna b the least of ur worries. but either way whether u r or not....u need to go to the gyno. ur mom would want u getting help not keep hiding it.
Louie From Ohio
2006-12-04 18:17:27 UTC
Your mom will be more broken-hearted if you get worse and/or pass on for not going to a professional. Go to the doctor. Simple.
2006-12-04 18:25:07 UTC
honey sounds like to me you might have another STD or you have waited to long to take care of this now it's only going to get worse, if untreated you might suffer from this, please talk to your mom, i think she needs to know, what if the infection goes to your blood stream, then it can kill you , your mom loves you she doesn't want to see you suffer. you will hurt her if you don't talk to her about this, if something happens to you she will feel that she wasn't a good parent and blaim herself for not being their for you. PLEASE do the right thing you need medical attention ASAP.
2006-12-04 18:17:46 UTC
You need to go to Planned Parenthood. It's the best place for a teen to go when you don't want your parent's to find out of your sexual activity.
2006-12-04 18:23:41 UTC
Go to the Gyno tomorrow. You might have something really bad like the clap .

Failure to do something about might mean you will be unable to have babies in the future.

Also.......Have you ever heard of condoms?
2006-12-04 18:18:27 UTC
what u do is u go to the women health clinic!!!!!!! they would not tell ur moms and they would help u out just bring skool id or state and if u have health insurance card
i have no idea
2006-12-04 18:18:54 UTC
THEN STOP HAVING SEX!!! How dumb can you get? Why didn't you think of all this before you started having sex? Were you asleep during health class. WELL WAKE UP AND SMELL THE REALITY!!!
2006-12-04 18:32:26 UTC
Please go to the DR. Planned Parenthood is a wonderful place that will help you. They will not tell your mother.
2006-12-04 18:17:02 UTC
my goodness girl go to the DR. you will feel better once you do.
2006-12-04 18:20:20 UTC
Shouldnt have had sex...too young.
His Fiance of 2009
2006-12-04 18:19:30 UTC

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