How do i know if im ovulating? I feel a little pain in my right ovary ,it feel like something is moving inside?
2008-09-16 21:27:34 UTC
i just got off work at midnight and im driving home and i feel this llittle sharp pain where my right ovary is at, it felt like something was moving around , does this mean im ovulating? what does it mean?
Five answers:
2008-09-16 21:35:36 UTC
Same thing happens to me every month on around day 13 of my ocycle. It doesnt hurt terribly but it is slightly uncomfortable. If you are really concerned about the pain you should see a doctor because some women say that's a sign of ovarian cyst.
Christin K
2008-09-17 04:36:31 UTC
Moving around? No. Pain? Yes. Ovulation pain is like a little tiny sharp stab of pain, very very low down in your abdomen, almost to the crease where your thigh meets your body. It might twinge and stab more than once, then usually it's gone until next month.

But moving around? Nope. That is probably gas. Or a muscle cramp.

You can check to see when you ovulate by taking your morning temperature every day before you get out of bed. It should be the same every morning, but on the day when you are ovulating it will be a degree or two higher. That way you can pinpoint the day you ovulate as it relates to the day your periods start. (i.e., two weeks before usually.)

A lot of women do not get ovulation pain like I described. Only some do. If you get a heavy, bloated feeling in your lower abdomen a couple weeks before your period, lay on your back on a bed, press on the area where your ovary is--press down rather hard, but not enough to hurt--then let it up suddenly. If you experience a little sharp stab of pain there when the skin bounces back up, you're probably ovulating.
2008-09-17 04:37:18 UTC
If you have a normal menstrual cycle then you would ovulate 14 days from the first day of your last period. Some people can feel it. If it is not time for you to ovulate, you should see your doctor to rule out a cyst.
2008-09-17 04:31:17 UTC
How do I know if I'm ovulating?

Symptoms of ovulation include premenstrual breast tenderness, lower abdominal bloating, menstrual cramps, and moodiness (also known as molimina) [1].

Ovulation may be confirmed by an increase in the basal body temperature of 0.5 to 1.0 degrees F the day after ovulation occurs. Readings are most accurate when they are taken immediately on awakening before any activity. The rise in the basal body temperature (BBT) appears to be caused by an increased level of progesterone which is secreted from the site of ovulation in the ovary (the corpus luteum) . A sustained rise in the basal body temperature or a progesterone level greater than 5 ng/ml is evidence of ovulation. However, progesterone levels greater than 10 ng/ml are more common in cycles in which conception has occurred [2].

How do I know when I'm ovulating?

Although there appears to be a wide variation ovulation usually occurs on day 14 of a 28 day cycle [3]. Conception is most likely to occur if sexual intercourse has occurred the 5 days before or on the day of ovulation [4]. You can use the calculator below to estimate your date of ovulation.

Ovulation Calculator

A more accurate way to determine when you are ovulating is to use an ovulation prediction kit. Ovulation prediction kits detect the rise of luteinizing hormone (LH) that occurs from 12 to 36 hours prior to ovulation (luteinizing hormone triggers ovulation). Ovulation prediction kits currently available include Answer, Clear Plan , and First Response. The cost is usually between 20 and 40 dollars for 5 days worth of test strips.

You may wish to use a basal body thermometer for at least 2 months prior to using one of the ovulation prediction kits so that you have an idea how long your menstrual cycle is. Fertility software may also be helpful in charting your cycles.



1. Magyar DM, Boyers SP, Marshall JR, Abraham GE.Regular menstrual cycles and premenstrual molimina as indicators of ovulation. Obstet Gynecol. 1979 Apr;53(4):411-4.MEDLINE

2. Daniel R Mishell, Jr.: Infertility:Etiology, Diagnostic Evaluation, Management, Prognosis, In Comprehensive Gynecology, 4th ed., Stenchever M.A. et al (eds.), St Louis,Missouri, Mosby Inc.,2001 pp 1169-1215.

3. Allen J Wilcox, David Dunson, and Donna Day Baird. The timing of the "fertile window" in the menstrual cycle: day specific estimates from a prospective study BMJ 2000; 321: 1259-1262.MEDLINE

4. Wilcox AJ, Weinberg CR, Baird DD.Timing of sexual intercourse in relation to ovulation. Effects on the probability of conception, survival of the pregnancy, and sex of the baby. N Engl J Med. 1995 Dec 7;333(23):1517-21.MEDLNE
<3 Truth
2008-09-17 04:45:01 UTC
wow...I was going to answer your question but I've actually learned a few things..... i never knew we even had ovulation pain....that explains my stabbing pain once a month.... or that sudden shock I get every now and then.......

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