About yeast infections: Your vagina in its normal state has healthy bacteria and bad bacteria. As long it stays balanced like that you have no problems. The balance can become unbalanced causing the bad bacteria to overgrow and multiply causing you to have yeast infection symptoms, itching, lots of discharge that over time increases and becomes clumpy. Things that can cause the bad bacteria to multiply is scented tampons, soapy soaks, soap in the area, tight underwear and pantyhose, very hot baths, high hormone birth control, taking antibiotics, uncontrolled diabetes, douching, low immune system, lack of lubrication (like with sex).
You do not need to go to the doctor for a yeast infection. Many women do and I have no idea why. Why do a pelvic exam if you dont need to.
For the itching buy Vagisil cream. They sell different types, regular, maximum etc. http://www.vagisil.com/vaginal-odor-antiā¦ The Vagisil tube will last for several yeast infections.
To treat the infection. You can buy products like Monistat or Vagistat etc. They sell different types, 1 day, 3 day, 7 day. That does not mean it cures in the number of day you pick, that is just how many days you treat it, it still has to run its course. Yeast infections take a week to cure.
There are other things you can take to speed along the process. You can drink 100% cranberry juice but it has to be that and no sugar or sweeteners. I dont like to do that so I buy Cranberry tabs at the grocery or pharmacy vitamin isle. One bottle can treat several yeast infections.
Also buy acidophilus lactobacillus (AL) in the grocery or pharmacy isle. Again one bottle can treat several yeast infections.
Buy plain yogurt, This is a must to get better. Greek is better. No sugar, no fruit no sweeteners. It tastes like crap but this will really make you better. Buy a big tube and eat 3 big spoon fulls 3 times a day.
Note yeast multiplies like crazy with yeast, so if you have a yeast infection avoid sugar drinks and foods.
I personally do not like to take Monistat type products. They are expensive. I keep at my home cranberry tabs, acidophilus lactobacillus and Vagisil. That way if I ever get a yeast infection I have all the stuff I need to treat it at home. Then all I have to do is buy plain yogurt. For a yeast infection I take 2 cranberry tabs a day, 2 acidophillus lactobacillus a day, eat the yogurt as I stated above and put Vagisil on the outside for itching
Also note before bed, soak in a cool bath so the area cools down, apply some Vagisil and you will sleep in peace no itching.
Whether you treat with Monistat or my way you should see and feel improvement on a daily basis because the bad yeast bacterial should be lessening so your symptoms should be lessening. Your discharge should be less, itching should be less and discharge should be less clumpy on a daily basis. You should keep treating yourself for a week even if you are feeling better to make sure to treat it completely. If not and its getting worse then it may not be a yeast infection. It could be bacterial vaginosis, STD or STI. Bacterial vaginosis is that the bacteria that is multiplying is not yeast but a different strain of bacteria and unfortunately with that you do need to see a doctor because you need a prescription because no over the counter medications will help that. Bacterial vaginosis cause is just random. There is no reason yout get it, you just can. If its not BV then it could be a STD or STI but you are only 13 and not sexual yet so that wont apply to you now. However, when you do become sexually active you can give your boyfriend a yeast infection and if he does not treat his (again no doctor needed) then he could give it back to you.