0k, so i have this little tampon -inserting problem and its REALLY MAKING ME *SO* DEPRESSED!!! I try everyday to do it and NOTHING works..i've tried from the thick ones to the ones with the box-thingy on the outside to the thinest ones to the "easy gliders"...i put vaseline on and i still c0uldnt get it in..just the th0ught of inserting makes me sick...all my friends can do it and i cant..it HURTS so much! I just cant get myself to inserting it..i am relaxed and i do take my time, but everytime i go to the bathroom, i sit and cry my eyes out for an hour..i feel like a failure... =_( everytime i see blood, i become dizee and nauseus!! I cry the whole time and feel so depressed! I cant take this anymore..i cry even when happy, cool songs play such as the time of our lives by Miley cyrus..at night i spend wiping the tears away with tampons.. Help please and thank you!? =___[