how can be sure you have depression (REAL depression) and do you have to see a doctor for it?
2007-05-08 18:26:59 UTC
i know a teen girl who may be depressed. how can you be sure is real depession, and should she go to a doctor? is there any other way to get over depression?
37 answers:
2007-05-08 18:30:57 UTC
Depression is a serious medical condition. Everyone experiences "ups" and "downs" in their life. But for some people the "downs" can outweigh the "ups." This can cause problems with everyday activities such as eating, sleeping, working, and getting along with friends. If this happens for more than a few weeks, depression may be the reason.
2016-05-16 11:34:52 UTC
about 5 years ago, I started to fall into a really depressive episode. At first I thought it was only because I had a bad break from a relationship but the feelings wouldn't go away even after I got a new girlfriend. It was wrecking my life until a point where it was seriously affecting my work and personal life.

She was very worried but at the same time couldn't understand why I was still sad and thought that I still couldn't let go of my previous relationship. Being the wonderful person that she is, she put aside her feelings and suggested I go for psychiatric evaluation. Many months later and even more anti-depressants, I was not coming close to being better at all.

After doing some research online, I found out the real cause as you described it really makes a lot of sense and purchased this program. The results were simply astonishing. I read this book over three times and put all words in action. Using this method, I've kept my depression at bay ever since. Up to date I'm still living happily with my girlfriend.

Depression Free Method?
2007-05-08 18:35:34 UTC
I'm glad that you see that there is a fine line between someone saying "I had a bad day. I'm depressed." And true depression. I have severe depression. Some observations that hint towards this are: being tired and not wanting to do many things, sleeping a lot, self destruction, a "lost" look, and muscle aches and pains. It's hard to tell though from the outside. A lot of people hide it very well. Going to a doctor helps a lot. Also, counseling is good. The doctor can put her on an anit- depressant such as Lexapro, Prozak, ect. They'll find what's right for her. She will always have depression- she'll have her good days and her bad days, but it is very managable through medicine and counseling. Suggest going to the doctor to just talk and possibly get on an anti-depressant. They really do help a lot- I have a lot of friends on them. Good luck!!
2016-04-01 07:10:24 UTC
Depression is considered a medical condition because it can stop a person from living their life. Although, yes some people do grovel to much on their woes and call that depression, instead of doing something about their misery, their are some who do suffer from it as it is out of their hand. Some people live in a depressing environment and either need to leave or deal with the environment, in the second case they need help. Also depression happens a lot in women because of the constant hormonal changes that occur in their body, on a monthly basis. Moreover, a chemical inbalance in the brain (mainly of serotonin) may cause depression and even though exersize helps this imbalance by releasing extra endorphins, the improvement is only temporary. So yes in some cases it is possible in some others it is not.
2007-05-08 18:45:52 UTC
There is a type of depression which is short term, and the more troublesome chronic depression. Everyone experiences short term depression once in a while. Long term depression is usually more serious. It can be caused by physical factors and/or emotional factors. Excessive sleepiness, lack of interest in things she usually likes, overly emotional, under emotional. Sometimes they don't want to interact with other people as much. I had post par-tum after my son was born. I found myself crying about dog food commercials. I also didn't want to see my friends or family. I just wanted to sleep all day. Symptoms don't have to be that dramatic to be depression though. A doctor may recommend anything from exercise to drugs to therapy, or perhaps a combo.

Talk to your friend. Discuss the symptoms and see if she will go to a doctor. Try to not make her feel like a loser. Explain that it's normal and not her fault. I thought I was just the biggest laziest loser on the planet. It was nice to have answers and a solution.

Good Luck!
2007-05-08 18:32:47 UTC
Depression can manifest itself in many ways, and there are different types of depression as well. And, it can be coupled with anxiety and other things too. This person should most definitely see a doctor, and they will be the ones to diagnose if it is clinical depression and what type. If it is true clinical depression, it only gets worse if it is not treated, and it is not something you can just "get over." In the meantime, websites like WebMd will have lists of symptoms, but those aren't necessarily what people with depression exhibit all the time. Good luck.
Res Ipsa Loquitor
2007-05-08 22:25:47 UTC
Some very good advice here. I have only one thing to add: freebird's link to effexor's website may not be the best choice, at least for medication. Effexor can feel like a wonder drug at first, but not if you want to get off of it. Say the depression has passed or the drug is not working or has lost effectiveness. Effexor has the highest risk of bad withdrawal symptoms and is very difficult to get off without spending as long as several months slowly lowering the dosage. Horrible side effects when dosage is lowered, and cold turkey quitting is as hard as heroin. Google "effexor withdrawal" and you'll see. All anti-depressants should be withdrawn from slowly, effexor is by far the worst. I've battled depression for years, and just recently had to change off Effexor to Zoloft. Imagine a horrible flu with mental side effects, sometimes for months.

Of course it's up to her doctor, but I'd try something else first.
2007-05-08 18:34:28 UTC
Real depression presents with a generally flat or blunted affect, an extreme lack of energy, almost constant irritability, and a lot of times in teens it will also present itself as anger. Generally there is a documented family history of it as well. Only a doctor can diagnose depression and provide medical treatment for it, but meds are not for everyone. A lot of times counseling and a strong and well aware support system can help a person through a depressive episode.
2007-05-08 18:32:27 UTC
I have suffered from depression on several occasions I did see a psychiatrist for a while. The only way to diagnose depression is for a doctor to do it. --There are several signs that a lay person can recognize and use to get the depressed person to go to the doctor. Teens who become depressed can withdraw, start failing to do homework, refuse to bathe, and just stay by themselves. If a child you know is doing these things and you have the power to get them help - please use it. Teen suicide is a horrible alternative but so many of them see no other way out. Help this girl if you can. -k-
2007-05-08 18:36:03 UTC
You become less motivated, you might become suicidal[might], you're more tired, you feel kind of empty, you feel lonely, you cry often[Crying a lot doesn't always mean you're a drama queen], you're irritable...something like that.

You can find out more signs on the web if you do a search on google.

You don't always need to go to a doctor. There are several ways of coping with depression. You can go to a pshycologist or you can go to a doctor or you can just stick it out. Either way, in the end, things'll turn out just fine.

If you go to a doctor, they might prescribe you medicine. The medicine is usually prescribed because when you're depressed, there's a chemical imbalance in your brain. The medication helps balance that out.

The two important things to remember are that you can't just ask someone to just snap out of depression. It doesn't work like that. It takes time to get over it. The second thing is that it's important to have someone there to listen to you when you have depression. Someone who KNOWS you're depressed. It's a lot easier to carry the burden that way.

I hope this helps!

Good luck with your friend!
2007-05-08 18:36:04 UTC
Clinical depression is characterized by a variety of symptoms including the following:

-sad mood (or irritable mood) most days-either by other's impressions or individual report. Irritability more common in children.

-anhedonia i.e., not enjoying activities like you used to enjoy them\

-sleep disturbance-either insomnia or hypersomnia (being tired all the time)

-weight loss or gain-without trying to lose or gain

-feelings of helplessness

-feelings of worthlessness

-feelings of hopelessness


-suicidal thoughts or plan

It can be treated by both medication and therapy, though research says that both are the best treatment.

Depending on the severity of the depression, it may be treatable with just therapy or activities, exercise, etc. However, if you are concerned, you should talk to her and maybe her parents about your concerns. If she is hopeless, she should see a doctor asap as that is a red flag for suicidality.
2007-05-08 18:34:11 UTC
Based on personel experience depression can be very serious. Yes, your friend needs to see a Doc for a diagnose. There's situational depression and clinical depression ( which is usually a chemical imbalance). Keep the faith this is manageable with therapy and possible medication. Your Doc will be able to determine your situation. Good luck.
Paul P
2007-05-08 18:34:48 UTC
Depression disorder is due to an imbalance in brain chemistry, so yes, your friend should see a doctor, then a psychiatrist or mental health clinic. Her brain chemistry makes her see things as being worse than they are.

It's not something you can "just snap out of" despite Mom's advice to do so. But once you and your doctor find the right medication to rebalance your brain chemistry, it's very treatable.
2007-05-08 18:37:02 UTC
I obviously do not how other people think or feel but, could it be possible that the chemicals tested for in people with "depression" be a side effect of the emotion depression and not an actual disease. Maybe, just maybe if a person with "depression" was not surrounded by jerk friends telling them that they are diseased and maybe helping them be happier could help. I would say that if a person is chronically depressed they probably are very unhappy with something thay feel like they have no control over. For example there are many married people who are secretly very unhappy about their marriage but for other reasons (kids, dependency) they hide this discomfort and express their anxiety through other more benign issues, making it seem as if they are chronically depressed. Just a thought.
2007-05-08 18:33:00 UTC
I'm wondering how friendly you are with this teenage girl. Ask her if her sadness comes-and-goes or if she always feels lousy, down, etc. By "REAL depression", I think you mean clinical depression - it's with you all of the time.

I would suggest that she see a school counselor or a psychiatrist. I only hope she doesn't need an anti-depressant, but if she does, a psychiatrist should prescribe it.
2007-05-08 18:31:51 UTC
There are some online tests or little quizzes to find out. She doesn't need to see a doctor instead maybe a school counselor or a therapist. Depression is very curable either through therapy or medications. It would be great if you could help her so that shes happy. I hope it all works out. Good Luck. :)
Olga z
2007-05-08 18:34:26 UTC
i also know a girl who is depressed...the real kind. although she got it through genetics. I believe she would have to see a doctor to know if she really was depressed. it may be hard because depression cause you to loose intrest in the things you used to like. there are some ways to get over depression..although it may be hard to get over it completly. Possibly have anti-deppresants prescribed to the patient. by a Doctor...Depression is truly upsetting.
2007-05-08 18:36:28 UTC
if the girl is depressed to the max that would mean she's sad obviously.

thoughts of suicide is something that should be taken seriously.

if all she does is wallow in her own despair then maybe she should go to a doctor.

if she can't get the sad thoughts out of her head and the depression is affecting your relationship with her then maybe i would seek help.

i would do this if it's already been a month or more she's been depressed.
2007-05-08 18:32:51 UTC
A visit to a physcologist is my recomendation. I saw one and was diagnosed with clinical depression in my junior year of high school.

Here are some symptoms I had:

Loss of appetite

Loss of interest in things I enjoyed

Daily Crying spells

Feeling worthless

Quietness around my friends

Overall gloomy and sad
2007-05-08 18:33:43 UTC
Depression that lasts for days,weeks,months.She may have to change a few things in her life.But sometimes seeing doctor is the only way.Talking to someone sometimes helps.What is she going through?Something had to trigger the depression.Sometimes its a chemical imballance.Thats where meds come in.

You need to talk to her first.The doctor will talk to her before they do anything.
2007-05-08 18:31:57 UTC
Depression itself is not something to worry too much about. It happens to most everyone at least once in their life.

However, if it seems to be taking control over her life (for example, maybe she doesn't want to do things she once loved), and it's a continuing trend, perhaps it should be checked out by a professional.

Also, do not listen to The FFX Tide's answer. Depression is not cured by "finding what makes you happy in life." If, in fact, it is clinical depression, it is not a simple matter of finding what makes you happy.
2007-05-08 18:30:41 UTC
yes you have to see a doctor for it and there is no real way to tell unless you go byyou hate things you onced loved it is hard for you to get out of bed in the morning you just dont want to be bothered you sleep all the time or at least you want to and another one is that you cry all the time and you have no reason for it
2007-05-08 18:32:24 UTC
give her this link or answer it as best you can yourself

Its from the national mental health association and is a screening test for depression

Most doctors will ask questions using these criteria to decide if someopne is clinically depressed or not
2007-05-08 18:31:32 UTC
She should see a doctor or therapist. There is no way for we everyday, ordinary folk to know whether or not she is "really" depressed. If she is not feeling like herself she should see her doctor or therapist and discuss it with them as soon as possible.
2007-05-08 18:30:10 UTC
when u have real depression no u just cant get over it by yourself she should go to the doctor
2007-05-08 19:15:21 UTC
yeah I'd say have her go to the doctor.. yes you can get over depression you just have to find the right way
2007-05-08 18:41:26 UTC
well if u notice signs of wanting to be on the dark side such as wearing dark colored clothes such as alot of black or if u notice her tlkin bout strange bands tht u dont know of possibly hard core rock bands and all they tlk bout is cuttin which is another sign believ me my frind is goin through this n she jsut told her mom she cuts shes on anger meds. n a very close watch at school..
2007-05-08 18:32:33 UTC
you know if its real if they talk about suicide and every negtive in there life. there will be points when they are happy then other points when they feel like they dont need to be in this world. my mom has depression and she has to take pills, they usually work. Every once in a while she has breakdowns though.
maria m
2007-05-08 18:29:47 UTC
yes, there are many ways to cope with depression. your friend will be fine just as long as she sees a doctor and gets medical attention and proper treatment.
2007-05-08 18:30:10 UTC
The only way to be sure is to go to a clinical psychologist and get diagnosed. Good luck!
2007-05-08 18:32:50 UTC
Teenage Depression

7-14% of children will experience an episode of major depression before the age of 15. 20-30% of adult bipolar patients report having their first episode before the age of 20.

The teenage years can be years filled with growth, expectations, and discoveries - it can be a joyous time. But it can also be a time of great stress, as those growing pains can be very painful at times. Hormones added to the mix may bring moodiness, confusion, and uncertainty. It can be a time of great ups, and great downs. However, teenage depression is more than just moodiness, it is when those times of great downs become more prevalent, long lasting, and increasingly harder to overcome. Approximately 3 to 5 percent of teenagers develop depression every year.

Lack of interest in activities that once held their interest, a sudden drop in grades and new kinds of acting-out behaviors can all be signals that the teenager is having difficulty and needs help.

The causes of teenage depression stem from both or either great stress or an imbalance of chemicals in the brain that affect mood. Professional counseling and medication therapy, in combination, are effective in treating teenage depression.

Suicide is the leading cause of death among teenagers in this county. Any mention or threat should be taken very seriously. Teens at greater risk of suicide include individuals who abuse drugs or alcohol, teens that have lost friends or relatives due to suicide, and teens that have a tendency to be over-achieving and highly self-critical.

What follows is a long list of symptoms of teenage depression. Many of these symptoms are universal for all mood disorders: some are specific to the teenage years. Six or more of these symptoms may be cause for concern. Above all, what differentiates these symptoms from teenage moodiness is that they are more severe, they are not momentary, and they may persist for weeks or months.

· Depressed or irritable mood

· Hopelessness

· Excessive anxiety

· Excessive crying

· Isolation

· Withdrawal from friends and/or family

· Changes in small motor activity - slowed speech, fidgeting, pacing, etc.

· Loss of energy

· Agitation

· Bad tempered

· Reduced pleasure in activities that were once a pleasure

· Changes in appetite

· Unintentional changes in weight

· Difficulty falling asleep

· Changes in sleep patterns

· Excessive daytime sleepiness

· Difficulty concentrating

· Memory loss

· Outbursts of shouting, unexplained instability

· Neglect of personal appearance

· Preoccupation with self

· Psychosomatic symptoms (headache, stomachache, etc.)

· Feelings of worthlessness

· Persistent sadness

· Excessive guilt feelings

· Acting-out behavior

· Thoughts about suicide or preoccupation with death

· Plans to commit suicide or actual suicide attempt

· Excessively irresponsible behavior patterns

· Use of alcohol or other drugs

· Risk-taking behaviors

· Frequent accidents

In addition, the following behaviors are cause for immediate

concern as they are warning signs of suicide:

· References to suicide "You'd be happy if I were dead"

· Giving away possessions

· Sudden change in mood: overly cheerful and calm

· Persistent accidents

· Upswing in risk-taking behavior

· Dramatic changes in mood or behavior

Any suspicions that a teenager has suicidal thoughts should be taken seriously. Trust your instincts, understand your fears. If after speaking with the teenager your suspicions are confirmed, then get help immediately. Hospital emergency rooms can deal with this, and some specialize in suicide prevention.
2007-05-08 18:30:54 UTC
Best to see the doctor and let him make a diagnosis.

I understand the best therapy involves counseling and medication.
Tonya B
2007-05-08 18:30:45 UTC
if you think you have it just go to the doctor. it is better safe than sorry. the doc. might send you to a counslor but still that is good.
2007-05-08 18:30:06 UTC
I would see a doctor and a counselor so she can talk about it, find the problem, and find a solution.
2007-05-08 18:31:32 UTC
You can read the signs online. I would recommend talking to a school counselor (referring her)
Neil Ryan
2007-05-08 18:30:56 UTC
She should see someone.
2007-05-08 18:29:48 UTC

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