2008-12-06 00:31:42 UTC
I started having shortness of breath, chest pain on/off, abit of numbness in toes/fingers, worrying over nothing like traeling on a plane, spending a long time out of the house.
Is this for sure anxiety ?
I weighed 69 kilos, 5 feet tall, when have the anxiety attack, now I weigh 65.
I feel abit healed since the shortness of breath isn't so hard to cope with, like I take a deep breath, then I breathe normally, not much chest pain, and I haven't had a panic attack in a while.
I have only had 3 panic attacks since those 3 weeks, I started eating healthy, and losing weight already.
what are other natural remedies ?
also, is there any chance I have heart disease ?
if you have anxiety, and your overweight is there a chance of heart disease, and diabetes ?
or am I fine, is it JUST anxiety ?
help !
does "shortness of breath" only occur while your having an anxiety attack, or does it occur when you HAVE anxiety ?
light headedness and dizziness occured while I had my anxiety attack.
is this really anxiety ?
I went to the doctor with my mom, the first said he wasn't so sure since it was the first day.
the 2nd was a doctor for children, and she said that I am too stressed for y age, she didn't know what I had wrong wiht me though,
my blood pressure was checked and its fine also.
what is it ?
please answer I NEED HELP !