Doctors think I Have PCOS, I have all the symptoms is there a chance I do not have pcos?
2006-02-28 18:58:19 UTC
Can I still have children if I do. I am only 21. My symptoms are the hair, little to no periods, weight in the stomach region, I had acne.
Two answers:
2006-02-28 19:08:30 UTC
Women with polycystic ovarian syndrome often are infertile because they don't ovulate. 40% to 80% of women with PCOS have a problem with fertility. The reason for this wide variation is that PCOS is a complex metabolic syndrome, with multiple factors that can interfere with fertility.

Having PCOS does NOT mean you will not have children. I would talk to your doctors about how to treat PCOS and increase your chance of having children.
2006-03-01 10:57:46 UTC
Did your doctor's do blood tests? They can check your hormone, glucose and insulin levels to check for PCOS. I also have all the PCOS symtoms, but after the blood tests, my glucose and insulin levels were normal, so it couldn't have been. He's now thinking its an adrenal gland problem. The big problem is the hormone imbalance. If you have PCOS you can take metformin which regulates imbalances with glucose and insulin that in turn regulates your hormones and helps you become regular in your cycle. I recommend a obgyn that specilizes in pcos or an endrocronologist

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.