I'm with you. My mother took me to a planned parenthood class on health and sexuality when i was NINE. I've always known about this stuff.
When I see questions like that it makes me sad. There are SOOO many young people that know nothing about sex that are HAVING sex. I once heard of this girl thinking she could use coke.. as in SODA, as a dueche and she wouldn't get pregnant. She of course WAS pregnant at the time she told this bit of knowledge.
I think it's because the only thing they teach in schools now a days is "just say no." Abstenance only sex education was the worst idea in the world. Teenagers are horny, they aren't just going to say "no" to something that feels so good. They need to be taught about different forms of birth control, what works, and what really really DOESN'T. It's ridiculous.
Kids don't listen to their parents, and this is especially true when it comes to sex ed. For the few parents willing to try and teach the kids, the kids are so embarrassed their ears just turn off OR they think their parents are the stupidest people in the world and would NEVER know more than THEM about sex.
Communication has gone to the crapper and it sucks.
Sorry.. I kind of ranted off there.
Another thing that makes me shake my head is all these people on here saying "I just pierced my own tongue and now it hurts is it infected?" or something similar. They can't wait and get it done by a professional? Its so horribly dangerous to pierce yourself but NOOOOO they think they're invincible, then they get a freaking staph infection and have to go to the hospital, where they end up removing the piercing ANYWAY and they get a lovely scar somewhere on their body.
*sigh* I'm done now. I promise.