It doesnt matter what product i use i smell down there what products should i use?
2008-06-09 20:50:12 UTC
It doesnt matter what product i use i smell down there what products should i use?
Thirteen answers:
2008-06-09 23:33:33 UTC
See a doctor to make sure you don't have an infection. But if you are in the clear, just wash normally and you'll be fine. Try some baby powder if you tend to sweat alot, and keep some baby wipes on hand for freshening up. But really, I can almost guarantee you're the only one that can smell it.
2008-06-10 03:55:45 UTC
Its normal to smell funky down there - meaning its never going to smell like fresh flowers if that is what you are going for, though if its wicked awful it usually indicates an infection, also the problem could be that you are using products down there. You should not need to use any products down there- all of them mess up your PH balance and can easily make it smell funny and get an infection. Womens are self cleaning- it doesnt need all the other products. Any doctor will tell you- douching or any other perfumey things are very bad for there.
2008-06-10 04:05:11 UTC
Firstly, you might want to go see you doctor. You MIGHT had a bacterial problem. Just give him/her a call and make an appointment.

To reduce the smell, be sure to shower everyday. Wash down there, but use regular soap. Using body gel and what not can irritate you vagina.

I don't know too much about these products. But one is called FDS. (Feminine Deodorant Spray). It's a spray that covers up that smell that comes from down there. There is also another spray called Eve. You can pick it up at CVS or Rite Aid. I gave you a link to look at them.

Good Luck! And call your doctor!
2008-06-10 03:54:12 UTC
If it always smells, then you may have a problem a Doctor should look at. You shouldnt be using any product down there, most things irritate the area and give infections.
2008-06-10 03:55:08 UTC
If there is an unpleasant odour you should go and visit your doctor. There could be something more to it such as thrush or an infection.

As for using products you should never use anything other than water and a mild soap. Do not douche. This can cause an imbalance of the necessary bacteria you have and can cause bad odours.
nina w
2008-06-10 05:09:47 UTC
Make it a point to bathe daily and also there is wipes that can be used after every time using the bathroom. There also could be something like an infection going through the body, not necessarily a yeast infection but something similar. It's good to see a doctor and express your concerns yet use the daily cleansing wipes to help.]

Good Luck
♥ Tori ♥
2008-06-10 03:58:17 UTC
You might have vaginosis. It's not an STD. It just causes you to smell down there and have a discharge. It's easily treated with an antibiotic. Go to the gyno.
2008-06-10 03:54:39 UTC
If you make it a point to bathe it with gentle soap (like ivory) shouldn't smell. Go see a doctor, nurse practioner.
2008-06-10 03:54:26 UTC
Get checked by a doctor or a physcian. You may have some issues going on that you are not aware of.
Only Fooling Myself =(
2008-06-10 03:59:21 UTC
see your doctor because that is a sign of a vaginal or yeast infection. They will prescribe soap that clears it all up!! Good luck!
2008-06-10 03:53:18 UTC
see your dr maybe you have some type of bacterial infection.
Seymour Butz
2008-06-10 03:53:43 UTC
just wash the area.

I've been to that area...that smell is rancid.
Mr. Literal
2008-06-10 03:53:19 UTC

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