would girls worry about this and put them off?
2011-06-08 08:41:29 UTC
Basically to cut a long story short about a 15 months ago I developed a strange patches of skin on my penis after I masturbated and forgot to wash it and then slept on it and the next afternoon I saw it. I panicked and without really thinking about it i tried to scratch the pieces of skin off after I had showered but they wouldnt remove. Obviously I deeply regret this as now I have small scar marks from scratching the skin away and the scars appeared when it healed. Now when i masturbate or after I've had an erection my penis seems to go discoloured and tiny skin plaques can appear almost looks like eczema. I was wondering if anyone knew how to reduce or get rid of these small scars as my confidence has fell apart because of it, and its had a huge negative impact on my confidence around girls. Please help :(
Five answers:
2011-06-08 08:48:04 UTC
Your problem isn't the scars, it's the skin plaques that look like eczema. You need to find out what it is and get it treated.

Scars may bring questions, if the girl looks that closely. But eczema like patches will make the girl wonder if you have an STD. And you could.
2011-06-08 19:26:00 UTC
As long as you make it clear that it's not an STD it wouldn't be a problem, for me at least. The less confident you are about it is gonna send a stronger signal to girls though. If you make it clear that you don't have an STD and just leave it at that, most girls probably wouldn't think twice. If there's any possibility you could have an STD you should definitely go get tested.
2011-06-08 15:44:46 UTC
what i recommend for you is to stay away from one night stands. this will most likely lead to a girl walking out after you show your penis to her and that will kill your confidence even more, you need to try dating and after the 3-5th date, tell her about the scars and if she doesn't mind, then she's a keeper :)
2011-06-08 15:47:48 UTC
I'm a girl and I don't think it would make much of a difference to me :) if the girl really likes you, she won't even notice!
2011-06-08 15:50:37 UTC
im sure if u explain that its not an STD or eczema they will understand!

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