OK first of all, calm down. It's sad, but many Americans are in the same position as you are.
Now, one thing you need to learn is that you never, ever take a cash advance! The interest is way, way too high! I dont know all of your expenses, so it's a little hard to answer your question. You need to put yourself on a budget. No extravagent items - just the necessities. Yea, maybe it isn't all that much fun but do you want to get out of debt?
You mentioned that you know how to save, so I'm wondering if you have any money saved now. If you do, put it toward the payment with the highest interest (probably one of your cash advances). Do some investigating with your two credit card companies. If you haven't been late on making payments, call them and simply ask if they will give you a lower interest rate (this does actually work - besides you have nothing to lose by trying - you can only come out better). Also ask about balance transfers. They may be able to give you a low rate (be sure to ask about & factor in the "transfer fees" - sometimes they will charge a %age of the amount you are transferring). Basically, you want to try consolidating as much of this as possible and getting the lowest rates you can. I'm not sure, but you may be able to get your cash advances transferred - be sure to ask lots of questions on this first though - you need to know how much interest you will be paying!
If this is a possibility, ask your parents for some help. I don't know what kind of situation or relationship you have, but I'm sure they don't want you to suffer. I would have to think that if you approach them with a plan they would be willing to help. Ask them to pay off something and come to them with a plan to show how you will repay them. maybe they wouldn't even want repaid, but you need to bring it to the table and fully intend to pay them!
Another alternative may be to go to a bank (witha co-signer) and get a loan to consolidate everything.
One final alternative, check the internet to find a credit card that offers zero percent for the first 6, 12, 18 months, whatever. open that and transfer as much as you can. then cut up the other cards.
Basically, make a budget & stick to it. I can help you if you need it. You have $1800 coming in each month, now list what you have going out.
Good luck, email me if you need help