it was a friday night in november.
me and my brother were just snowboarding in my backyard.
i was like "hey kyle, wouldn't it be cool if we snowboarded in our swimming suits??"
he said yeah, so i went to my room to change into my suit.
i just happened to look into my underwear [idk why]
and saw BLOOD!!!!!!
i was freaking out.
at first i couldn't think of what it could be, and then i remembered it.
my period.
i wasn't overly excited about it, and since it wasn't that much blood, i just changed into my suit, and went about my evening.
i found a pad in my mom's drawer and went to bed.
the next morning i figured i HAD to tell her sometime, so i went into the kitchen and was like
"mom i had my period lastnight"
she started laughing and so did everyone else in my house and i felt sooo embarassed.
but i felt like a woman