how do i find a gynocologist in suffolk county?
2006-01-30 20:58:33 UTC
i have had irregular periods all my life and it has been really hard to plan my sexual life around that. Therefore I wanted to know if someone can recommend a gynocologist who can help me to plan a better and regular lifestyle. Or if there is a way to plan this without seeing a gynocologist.
Three answers:
2006-01-30 21:58:57 UTC
Try this (I hope this is for the right state you live in)

Just click on the OB-GYN link... if this doesn't work maybe ask a friend or call a local clinic in your area and have them recommend a good doc.

Here is a site you may also be interested in,,4v4x-p3,00.html

Hope this helps, good luck:)
2006-01-30 21:08:15 UTC
Umm 2 words ... phone book
2006-01-31 13:29:39 UTC

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