Hi I'm a female, I just turned 21. I've had a dull ache off and on for about a week and a half. It's located about 6 or 7 inches underneath my belly in the groin area, on the right and near the crease by my thigh. I think it's called the mons pubis area but i'm not sure. I had some spotting for the past two days of what I thought was a period but it stopped. A friend of mine had an ectopic pregnancy and told me today she thinks that's what is going on with me, because she too had the same one sided ache in that area and had irregular bleeding. How likely is it that I have an ectopic pregnancy, and how urgent is it that I be seen? I'm thinking I'm going to visit a doctor tomorrow after work, but would this render an emergency visit right now? I'm just really scared because I know that apparently with ectopic pregnancies it can rupture and lead to serious internal bleeding but I'm not sure how soon that happens.
Please someone advise me!!