2008-12-12 10:06:26 UTC
But ever since then, I have had sudden bouts of mild nausea/grumbly intestines/diarrhea. Another bout of mild stomach flu in August didn't help, and combined with antibiotic for sinusitis that just destroyed my bowel flora, I was miserable for close to 6 weeks with bowel problems which also affected my stomach. I had an episode of mild food poisoning at a restaurant maybe a couple of weeks after "recovering" where I became almost frantic because we couldn't get the bill and get out so I could go home (terrible service). Then almost every time we went out, I would have stomach upset. I try to avoid very fatty/rich food, but it didn't seem to matter. I know at least a small part of it is anxiety (I'm afraid I'll get nauseated, so it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy), but in the past few weeks/months, I've noticed increasing periods of mild nausea after eating at home, at work after lunch, etc. I'm constantly sipping water spiked with ginger and eating crackers or something mild and absorbent or chewing peppermint gum.
Last night I had the worst case of nausea after *trying* to eat dinner (potatoes, green beans, a little bit of smoked sausage). I'm at the end of my rope. I'm petite/small (5'1", 100 lbs). I've always eaten several small meals/snacks during the day b/c I know my stomach is small. Now, even when I'm hungry, sometimes I'll start to eat, and it can make me ill before I can finish just my small plate. But if I wait too long to eat, I'll also feel ill (I get hungry every couple of hours). Sometimes I'll get a little diarrhea, but not always, and I'm regular as clockwork at this point otherwise. Lately, I've noticed that even the smell of (good) food can make me gag (while picking up the dog's business doesn't bother me). I don't notice any bloating, no heartburn. Sometimes my stomach will physically hurt, not just nausea, and I will occasionally get pangs in my abdomen, but sometimes it's with nausea, and sometimes not. Becoming overheated or not treating a headache promptly (we live in TX) will also trigger nausea.
I eat a pretty balanced diet (fruit, yogurt, sandwich every day, carb and protein at dinner), I avoid too much sugar since I know it causes gas for me; moderate exercise from daily walking ~3-4 miles; try to get enough sleep (~8 hours); I haven't gained or lost any weight. The onIy other thing I've notices is a smattering of bumpy/scaly patches on my arms and one leg (about the size of a pinky nail). I have days where I don't have any problems, but it's getting harder to remember them. Does anyone have any insights? I've been to the doctor so many times these past months (sinusitis, a skin infection that wouldn't clear up), that I'm trying to find any sort of clues about what this could be before I give in and make yet another appointment. I know this is long, so I appreciate any advice.